Random thoughts on leadership

This blog is an experiment.. The various successful bloggers have influenced me to try blogging myself.

I will be sharing thoughts, books, book reviews and other content.

It's an open, electronic diary and journal.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Pope Francis and Servant Leadership

This has been an exciting week for Catholics around the world as they waited to learn who the new Pope would be.
The selection of Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, a man considered by some as "too old" to become Pope, was a bold step.   The new Pope is a man known for his commitment to servant leadership who has led a life full of challenges and in keeping with humility and modesty.   In his life he has already demonstrated servant leadership for many years.
In less than two days, he has shown what he will do.  Wearing only the white cassock, not the elaborate cape of the Pope, wearing ordinary shoes, paying his own hotel bill, and riding in a mini bus rather than in a limousine were small notes.  Today for the meeting with cardinals, he asked them to wear their black cassocks, not the more elaborate red cassocks of cardinals.
These are all symbolic acts, but symbolism sometimes tells us more about a leader than do words.  

A corporate CEO who tells his employees that there  will be cutbacks and lives a lavish jet set life style gives a strong message.  A non-profit CEO who asks for our funds and takes a huge salary himself also sends a message.

Pope Francis is sending a message that he will pursue a path of humility.   At the same time, in our age, we have to remember that security needs may require him to have more isolation than he may want.  Pope Francis may have to acquiesce to the limousine or popemobile for security against his own preferences.  Such is the tragedy of modern life.