Random thoughts on leadership

This blog is an experiment.. The various successful bloggers have influenced me to try blogging myself.

I will be sharing thoughts, books, book reviews and other content.

It's an open, electronic diary and journal.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Leadership Fatigue in the United States

I am currently working on a research paper for presentation to the ISA in late March.  The focus of the paper is Challenges to US Foreign Policy.   One of the challenges that I identify that applies to the US and also to Western Europe is what I am calling leadership fatigue.

In my opinion, the US is demonstrating many signs of leadership fatigue.   It is not new.  We saw it after the Vietnam War when the US was demoralized for years.   Now, after two long wars that appear to have solved little or nothing, we are seeing it again.   Except for a few policy pundits who want the US to become involved anywhere at any time, most policy makers seem to have become disenchanted with foreign military involvements.  
Our own infrastructure has suffered in the past decade.  Our schools, in particular, and our roads, for example, are showing the results of inattention.  We have built dubious projects in other countries but invested little in our own infrastructure.   Some argue the military involvement cost only a small share of our GNP, but we can question those statistics.   The narrow military costs or the broader investment costs and the unfilled projects in our own country?   I look at the larger picture, not the narrow military budget.  
I have always been an internationalist, since my early days studying international relations.  But, even I feel the intense leadership fatigue of our nation.
I am not suggesting that we fold our tent and come home.  This is not 1972.  
I think we have to judge each step judiciously.   Limited, strategic international involvement should be our mantra, not global policeman on call.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Life Returns to Normal 2014

How quickly the holidays pass!  It is January 2, 2014.   Everything seems post-holiday!
I went to the grocery store early this morning, and the parking lot was almost empty.  I have not seen the lot that empty since before Thanksgiving!
I have taken down the last of my own Christmas decorations.  I started the process after Christmas and removed a little at a time.  I had three small trees.  Two require no decoration at all.  One requires a little bit of decoration so this was not a big task, but even so, with the two centerpieces, tree "skirts," etc., it required a number of trips to the basement.   My big supply of cards has also been stored although cards continue to dribble in.  I have a few cards around to respond to unexpected cards. 

I love the holiday period from Thanksgiving to New Year, and enjoy preparing
everything.   I savor every moment of the holidays.  I love the shopping, the church services, the music, the special romantic TV movies, everything!

At the same time, I am surprised at how quickly the holiday ambience disappears.  Perhaps it was more pronounced this year since Christmas and New Year fell in mid week.   Today it is just another work day although I am certain most of the conversation in workplaces will be about Christmas and New Year adventures.  

Then Pfft!   It seems everything is back to pre-holiday.   Today it could be November 15 or February 15, since there is little trace of the holidays left.   The extreme cold reminds us it is January or February.   We are in a deep freeze.   

I wrote my New Year's resolutions on the 31st.  Let's hope I keep them.   I learned this week that Janus (the god for whom January was named) means two faced - backward and forward.  Today we look at the old year and ahead to the new year.