Random thoughts on leadership

This blog is an experiment.. The various successful bloggers have influenced me to try blogging myself.

I will be sharing thoughts, books, book reviews and other content.

It's an open, electronic diary and journal.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

How important is the leader;s legacy?

Today I heard Bill Hybels give another wonderful leadership presentation (8/11/2016) on the four lenses of leadership.
All of it was very good.  I have been thinking about one of his points - the rear view lens.   Basically it dealt with the legacy of the leader.

Since Hybels is now in his 60s, I suspect he is thinking about his legacy after 40 years at Willow Creek.

For me, the question is multidimensional.  What kind of legacy have I left?  What kind of legacy am I building?
I can look back at my work in building the political science department after Myles Stenshoel passed the baton to me in 1970.  I can especially look back at creating and building the faculty development program at Augsburg from 1980 to 1987.   I can look back at the 18 years in which I lifted the MA in Leadership program out of the doldrums and made it a strong program although one that requires continued vigilance, re-thinking, and re-buioding because of the changing market.

My legacy is also the many, many students with whom I worked in about 50 years of teaching.

But should we really focus on our legacy?   Is there a selfish dimension to that?   Isn't it enough to say I did the best I could.  The programs continue.  If we don't harm the programs entrusted to us, then we are maintaining or building.  Creating and building are always positive, but should we dwell on the issue of legacy?

I am not sure of the significance of worrying about legacy.... I have to ponder this further...