Random thoughts on leadership

This blog is an experiment.. The various successful bloggers have influenced me to try blogging myself.

I will be sharing thoughts, books, book reviews and other content.

It's an open, electronic diary and journal.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Pope Francis as Servant Leader

We all read a great deal about servant leadership as part of our work on servant leadership.  But, it is rare to observe it.
In the life of Padre Bergoglio, now Pope Francis,  servant leadership comes alive.  I recently read one of the new biographies (the one by Andrea Tornielli, an Italian journalist).
In his life, there are so many examples of servant leadership:  his simplicity, his personal outreach to many, and his refusal to compromise his beliefs and principles.   A man of great integrity and knowledge, Padre Jorge has lived  fully a life as a follower of Jesus.  Bergoglio's life in Argentina was never easy, but it claimed his full dedication to the work of the Lord.

Attempts to demean his work in Argentina were politically inspired, since prominent political leaders did not appreciate his opposition to their policies and acts of suppression.

As apparent from his homilies since becoming Pope, he is a man of relatively few words.  I appreciate his pithy homilies which are more memorable than a lengthy exegesis might be.  A scholar and author, he appreciates the value of words, but uses them sparingly, even quoting St. Francis about preaching the Gospel and when necessary, using words.   Padre Bergoglio has preached by action and example, as well as words.  Recognition of his direct approach to the Gospel is the reason that he has evoked quiet enthusiasm among Christian observers, both Catholic and those from other denominations.  

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