Random thoughts on leadership

This blog is an experiment.. The various successful bloggers have influenced me to try blogging myself.

I will be sharing thoughts, books, book reviews and other content.

It's an open, electronic diary and journal.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Where is Leadership?

I have been away from the blog for some months.  On this Independence Day holiday, the thought comes to me:  Where is Leadership today?

We see an incredible lack of leadership in Congress.  What a contrast to our early Congressional leaders who forged a Constitution and led the Republic!

What we see now is bickering, stalling, antagonism, rather than a push to find solutions.  

The abdication of Congress has led to a more powerful Supreme Court in which 9 unelected officials, appointed for life without recall, are making decisions that in different times would have been made by Congress.   In many instances, five officials are determining basic policies.  

Justice Roberts himself raised the question:  Who do we think we are?    A basic question.   They have become leaders of policy by default.

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