Random thoughts on leadership

This blog is an experiment.. The various successful bloggers have influenced me to try blogging myself.

I will be sharing thoughts, books, book reviews and other content.

It's an open, electronic diary and journal.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Defining and Living Our Priorities

Most people (including me most of the time) tend to think that defining your priorities means sitting down seriously with pen and paper (or perhaps a notebook computer) and outlining your life's priorities.   That is a good exercise and useful to do from time to time.  I recommend it in some of my leadership classes and workshops.  It can be good to do a "time out" to define and re-define one's life priorities.

But our priorities in reality are manifested in what we do on a daily basis.   Just a few examples.  If we choose to linger over the newspaper and coffee in the morning before work instead of going ahead with our chores, that demonstrates a priority.   If we choose to go to the gym or grocery shopping on Sunday morning instead of church that too demonstrates our priorities.

If a man chooses to go out with the guys instead of playing with his children, he is revealing his priorities.  If  a woman prefers "girls' night out" to playing with her children, she too is revealing our priorities.

Instead of sitting down and thoughtfully planning the "ideal" life priorities, it is a better, more realistic exercise to sit down and record how we actually live our days.   Then we can look it over and ask:  what can I change?  What can I eliminate?   What are my priorities?    There are some givens:  work, sleep, etc.   Look at  your life.   Don't eliminate the basics but think about the other things in your life.  What is essential? What is dispensable?

A key is simplifying our life.  It can be done.  Not overnight, but a little at a time, perhaps over years.

We can start now by examining our lives and then asking:  what does my life say about me?  What are my priorities?   This is what I have chosen.   Is this what I want?     It is up to all of us to define our priorities by living them.

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