Random thoughts on leadership

This blog is an experiment.. The various successful bloggers have influenced me to try blogging myself.

I will be sharing thoughts, books, book reviews and other content.

It's an open, electronic diary and journal.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Fear of Retirement

For people whose career has been central in their lives, there can be a genuine fear of retirement.  We all know stories of executives who retired and dropped dead suddenly a month or two months later.

Perhaps their raison d'etre evaporated, but perhaps they did not plan for the transition in their lives.

Officially I have been retired for several years.   I continue to teach in a graduate program, do research, and am engaged in multiple activities.    I "retired" later than the normal age, but, whether we retire at 62, 66, 70 or any other age, the fact remains that one has to prepare.

The people who think that golf (or any other single activity) will fill the void are usually disappointed.  I do know people who golf three or five days a week, but for most of us that would not provide fulfillment.

Volunteer work, much needed in many areas, is a partial solution.  So many organizations need volunteers, both secular and religious.   Two churches in my city have given up their big annual garage sale or craft sale because they can no longer get enough volunteers to organize and staff these projects.   The call for volunteers is unceasing.

If you need more income, there may be part-time jobs you can pursue that will bring in some supplementary income.  Not a lot of money but perhaps enough to pay for a vacation or pay for your Christmas gifts.

Crafting can be both fulfilling and profitable.   I know someone who designs and creates original Christmas displays like wreaths and centerpieces that she sells at craft sales each year.  I have several of her works and I treasure them.

If you are a good reader, retirement is a good time to get started on that pile (or piles) of books you have bought over the years and never had time to read.

Some people (including me) turn to writing.   A novel...a memoir...a family history...and so on...

Exercise programs designed for seniors are another example.  You have been behind on your exercise for years.   Now is the time to catch up....

Travel of course is very fulfilling, and cruises and tours are filled with newly retired (and long retired) people.   But, one cannot travel every day of the year.  Nonetheless, planning trips, going on trips, and recovering from trips take a good deal of time...
All of these are possibilities...   Exercise your imagination...  Be creative... Use your talents.

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