Random thoughts on leadership

This blog is an experiment.. The various successful bloggers have influenced me to try blogging myself.

I will be sharing thoughts, books, book reviews and other content.

It's an open, electronic diary and journal.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Simplify, simplify, simplify

In our busy, cluttered lives, it is important to simplify.  The act of simplifying our lives is not once and done.  It is a continual process, multifaceted, and affects all aspects of our lives. 

Some people think that cleaning out a closet once is simplifying.  It is but it is a limited form.  Simplifying suggests that we examine every facet of our life.  For me, paper is a big thing. My recycling bin is amazing considering I live alone.   I recycle and recycle but the paper does not seem to diminish.  For every piece I recycle another seems to add to the pile.   

Decluttering a home is one form of simplication.  But there are many others.

Cutting back on errands and doing them more efficiently is another form of simplification.  Combine errands and go to a mall or shopping center where you can do multiple errands.  I am fortunate to live near a small mall that has a grocery store, a Target, a UPS, a dry cleaner, and so on.   A little further is a cul de sac with a post office and a bank.  Elaine St. James is a good source for learning to simplify your errands and tasks. 
(In another post I will talk about simplifying your home.)

Learning to say "no" is essential for simplification.     No to what?  Too many meetings?  Too many social obligations.   Think about it.  I will write more later. 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Setting Priorities

A key to getting anything accomplished is the ability to set priorities.  Often we are so caught up in the hectic pace of life that we do not think about setting priorities.  We just do what has to be done.  Often not mindfully.  Almost like robots.

The busier we are the more likely we are not to set priorities unless we are one of these unique people who can set priorities without too much stewing.   In some ways we all set priorities by what we do and what we don't do.  

If I choose to take a walk instead of going out with friends, that demonstrates a priority.  If I choose a television special over playing with the children, that too demonstrates a priority.  If I choose to go out with friends instead of visiting family, that too is a priority.

We live our priorities by what we do.   It's time to try to put some choice and selection into those priorities.

Often we say:  How did time slip by so quickly?   I did not realize how late it is.  I did not realize the deadline is tomorrow?   I did not get a chance to see him/her before I left town.   And so on.

Take a few minutes each day and certainly every week to set your priorities.   They are not cast in stone, but can help to guide us as to what is important. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Planning your day realistically

This blog is taken from some reflections for women that I am putting together.
The first of these deals with our normal daily tasks and "to do" lists.   The key is to be realistic.
Often we are frustrated when we plan to do more than it is possible to achieve in any one day.  My thoughts.

Plan your day well but do not try to achieve more than is possible.   All of us have to do lists and must do lists and can do lists.   A key to achievement is to plan realistically what is possible and don’t expect to do more than in possible within the span of a day or a week. 

At the end of the day, count your achievements rather than what was not achieved.  It is frustrating to focus on what remains unfinished.

I find that it is helpful to cross out or check off what I have done.   That gives a sense of accomplishment.

You might make a to do list on paper or on a tablet like an Ipad.  I do both.  Some lists on paper and some on Ipad.  When I am on vacation, I often make a  to do list of bigger tasks for when I get home.   I work through the list when I get home .  

Realistic planning of what we can do and doing it is part of effective living.  


Saturday, February 1, 2014

Super Bowl Culture

All week all I have heard is pre-Super Bowl buzz.   Advice on everything from healthy snacks before the super bowl to fitting in attendance at church.
Regardless of the news show, guests are asked for their predictions.   Are we obsessed with the Super Bowl as a society?   Or are we bored in the middle of winter and it's the only "game in town"?    
I don't have answers.  Only questions.   I rarely watch the Super Bowl.  I would if the Vikings were in the Super Bowl, just because I am a Minnesota patriot.  Since the Vikings have not made it to the Super Bowl in a long time, the question is moot. 

I am not excited about the Super Bowl ads which I understand cost about $4 million each.   I tune out ads on all programs.  I don't know how or why I can do it, but I am impervious to all ads.    I might occasionally be aware of ads for a child's product only if my granddaughter calls my attention to it.   Otherwise, I can watch programs with TV ads and be totally unaware of the ads.  The ads hold no interest for me.

At a time when the dangers of playing football (concussions and head injuries) have had heightened attention, it appears strange that the media hype is unabated.

Increasingly I think much of this is winter boredom.  Since New Year's Day, most of the country has had bad weather.   We in Minnesota have had a mix of frigid weather followed by warming and snow, followed by frigid weather and warming and snow, in an unabated cycle.   We have had it. 

The Super Bowl provides a little winter entertainment even for the non-fan.   The media hype is ceaseless.  I think we feel we ought to be interested

Foreigners who catch our TV shows might think Americans are obsessed with football (a sport they don't comprehend).   In fact, I wonder. I think it is merely the opportunity to celebrate something in a rather boring winter.

The Super Bowl has loomed larger and larger in my adult life.  Maybe we will even declare a holiday on the Monday after the Super Bowl at some time.

Count me out.  I will check out the offerings on Hallmark Movie Channel tomorrow...
I think there may be a Murder She Wrote marathon this weekend.